10.The groups including the largest Al Wefaq said that any election without a peaceful transition of power will be based on an unfair electoral system.
11.The United States intelligence services have determined that foreign powers have hacked into the electoral systems of several states, and into some of the machines.
13.The regime derives legitimacy from the electoral system although that system is rigidly controlled to exclude candidates seen as an outright threat to dominance by the clerics.
14.And it was very clear the founding fathers of the United States were very doubtful about the ability of any form of electoral system to function in the long run.
15.Bolsonaro has repeatedly questioned the reliability of Brazil's electoral system and his two days of silence prompted demonstrations by supporters, including truck drivers who blocked roads with burning tires and their big rigs.
16.As to the other so-called smaller parties, the anti-E.U. UKIP, and Greens, it seems they may have won many votes, but the Britain's electoral system means that has not translated into more than a handful of seats.”
17.The main reason for this pattern is that the US electoral system relies mostly on win or take all voting, where voters may only select one option, and the single candidate with the most votes wins the election.